Sunday 16 September 2012

Simple nurgle daemon painting tutorial

This is a super easy, super quick, super outcome paint scheme for daemons of nurgle. Heres a list of all the paints you will need:
White primer
Arthonian camoshade
Seraphim sepia
Cassanndora yellow
Carroburg crimsom
Screaming bell
Agrax earthshade
Lead belcher (optional)

You will notice that most of these are washes (or shades). This is because shades are easier to do then highlighting (a lazy way to paint models if you will) and i don't want to have to use 30 paints on each model.

First, spray the models white. Any spray will do (to an extent) but I would recommend using  Games Workshop skull white. Your going to need an even coat.

Next, wash all the cuts, guts, mouths and holes carroburg crimsom, then wash all boils, eyes, and bumps cassanndora yellow.

Paint the swords screaming bell, then wash agrax earthshade. If you feel like it, highlight/drybush lead belcher to give a rusted effect.

The remainder of the model that is still white (not bone, leave that white) is then washed arthonian camoshade.

After this wash anything that isn't  the sword seraphim sepia as this will fill in a left over white spaces and blend everything together.

So there you have it. A super simple and quick way to paint your nurgle daemons with.

Look forward to space wolf, ork, and other daemon painting tutorials!

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