Friday, 23 May 2014

First 7th edition list nurgle flying circus 1750 points

I will first point out that i am not a tournament player, and all my lists are for fun. Any way onto the list!

Nurgle prince
Mastery 3
x2 Greater rewards

Herald of Nurgle
Mastery 2

x10 Plague bearers

(Note in the new edition you can use as many Force org charts as you want so long as you use the minimium 1HQ 2Troops for each detachment).

17 Mastery levels straight off the bat, with an average of +4 for the die roll in the psychic phase thats 21 warp charge on average i will have every turn. Wow. The princes roll all on biomancy, the heralds roll on malefic daemonology. Princes rush up the board with all their blessings and what nots and prepare to fuck shit up. Heralds join plague bearers squads and they mainly cast Summoning to summon plague bearers up the board to back up the princes and capture upfield objectives (good thing i have 60 plague bearers!, and more to come!!). Looks like it could be a fun list to play, will get back to you after i have tested it. I am going to be having a game monday against Astra Militarhoweveryouspellit. I will post my findings and thoughts of 7th edition in due course.


  1. Curious as to how this will work... I've been building lists all night for a game I have this weekend... really dunno what to run with. I might just try my old list out a bit and see how it goes - that list already had 13 WC built into it, but all was on biomancy / Nurgle spells. Might have to change the heralds over to daemon magic and see what happens.

    1. Sorry for the late reply, i don't check the blog as often as i should
      And thank you for the first comment on my blog!!

      Tried out a flying circus variations of the list above against Astra bla. It had 3 nurgle princes, plague bearers, and soul grinders. I won just from VP on a maelstrom of war mission (which are awesome BTW) and the general feel so far is good. Toughness 8 princes are great, but powers are harder to cast. I think it can work, but you need to be careful and have well thought out positioning and planning.
