Monday 2 September 2013

Kroot 'counts as' Dark eldar army fluff


A forest world, with heavily mossed mountains reaching to the skies. The main indiginous species there is the Kroot, who live in the trees. As the planet is incredibly rich in ore, the Tau saw it as a perfect place to expand to. But as mining operations started, the Kroot became distressted; they did not want vast swaths of forests cut down. But the mining operation required it, and it was too rich a planet to pass down. The Tau continued to mine. The Kroot refused to stand down to the Tau and let their planet die, so they lashed out against them. Hundreds of earth caste mining drones were destroyed and hung up around the forest as an act of defience, and lead Shapers declared that if the Tau continued to mine on the planet that Tau would be strung on the trees, not drones. The Tau were not about to give up on the potential 'gold mine' (figurativly speaking), and so reinforced the mining operations with elements of the Fire caste. The Kroot, enraged at the stubborness of the Tau, led a huge strike against the mining bases. The battle was fierce, but in the end the Tau blugend the Kroot attack and crushed the resistance. The Kroot retreated, and left the Tau to their work and preparing to leave the planet to find a new one.

But, after all the Kroot had withdrawn and the Tau had rebegun mining, a portal in the webway opened. Dozens of raiders and venoms poured out of it, and attacked the mining bases, killing some and capturing the rest. Hundreds of Tau were lost that day. By the time the Tau had worked out what happened, they were in-shock. The Dark Eldar disapeared and left a suprise for the Tau in the mining installations. When the Earth and Fire caste went down to the planets surface and started to begin the operation again, something terrible happend. Hidden bombs left in the mines activated even more portals, and more Dark eldar poured into the planet. Desperate and out of options, the Tau begged for the help of the Kroot. Begrudgingly, the Kroot aided the Tau and helped them fight off the Dark Eldar. After a quick and fierce battle, the Dark eldar left, but had brought their fair share of Tau are Kroot with them. The Tau, deeming the planet too risky for further mining, left. The Kroot ate the remaining Dark eldar bodies, so that the next generation could benefit and evolve. Also, to prepare for possible other attacks, the Kroot repaired Dark eldar transports and weapons so that they could use them for themselves.

When the next generation came around, they were quick and agile like the Dark eldar; manned in Dark eldar tanks and armed with some of their weaponry. So far, there hasn't been another raid, but if their was, the Kroot could fight them off with the same lightning fast vehicles the Dark eldar used against them.

So there you have it. I apoligise for any spelling mistakes. I am going to try my hand at converting my first Master shaper (archon) soon so stay tuned for that.

Until then.

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