I saw today that GW put up Crusade of fire today. It is basically a 'expansion' for campaigns. I immediatly preordered (only £25!!). This will hopefully give some interesting games in the future.
Until then.
Friday, 16 November 2012
Monday, 12 November 2012
Project OOP: Leman Russ
I think im done with the model now, i just need to do the base (a mountain peak!) the banner, and paint it AND do Freki and Geri.
Until then.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Custom rules for Primarch Leman Russ
Leman Russ:
8 6 6 6 5 7 5 10 2+/4+
Mjanair (+2S, AP2, Melee)
When rolling to wound, a 6 will cause instant death on the target, regardless of toughness.
Armour bane
Artificer armour
Pelt of the world wolf (4+ invun)
Helm of russ (see codex space wolves)
Living legend (see codex space wolves)
Adamantium will
Eternal warrior
Indepentdant character
Feel no pain (6+)
Counter attack
Hammer of wrath
It will not die
Monster hunter
Acute senses
Master crafted bolter
Wolf standard
Greatest of warriors:
Russ must always issue challenges when possible. If the challenge is denied, then Russ gains +1 A for every character that denied the challenge for that assult phase.
Psychic powers:
Wolf howl:
Use for rules for thunder clap (see codex space wolves) but: S5 AP3
Freki and Geri:
5 0 5 5 2 5 3 8 4+/5+
Immortal spirit: 5+ invun.
Counter attack
Acute senses
Russ must always be accompained by Freki and Geri, any may never leave them (they count as 1 squad). He can still join other squads as normal.
So what does everyone think?
Are these good rules, or overpowered?
Until then.
8 6 6 6 5 7 5 10 2+/4+
Mjanair (+2S, AP2, Melee)
When rolling to wound, a 6 will cause instant death on the target, regardless of toughness.
Armour bane
Artificer armour
Pelt of the world wolf (4+ invun)
Helm of russ (see codex space wolves)
Living legend (see codex space wolves)
Adamantium will
Eternal warrior
Indepentdant character
Feel no pain (6+)
Counter attack
Hammer of wrath
It will not die
Monster hunter
Acute senses
Master crafted bolter
Wolf standard
Greatest of warriors:
Russ must always issue challenges when possible. If the challenge is denied, then Russ gains +1 A for every character that denied the challenge for that assult phase.
Psychic powers:
Wolf howl:
Use for rules for thunder clap (see codex space wolves) but: S5 AP3
Freki and Geri:
5 0 5 5 2 5 3 8 4+/5+
Immortal spirit: 5+ invun.
Counter attack
Acute senses
Russ must always be accompained by Freki and Geri, any may never leave them (they count as 1 squad). He can still join other squads as normal.
So what does everyone think?
Are these good rules, or overpowered?
Until then.
Project OOP
OOP. Out of production. A gold mine for collectors. Recently a cousin of mine gave me a bunch of unwanted old models. I was looking through them and from what was there i was like *meh*.
But then i came across the old vintage great unclean one. Sure he was small (only slightly bigger then a plague bearer) but he was a beauty. So i decided i would fix him up (lots of gaps etc) and paint him and field him as a tribute to the old days.

Ages ago we got a job lot off ebay for space wolves. Just so odd bits here and there. Then we came across this. An old Leman Russ model. Sure he was missing his wolves, blade, cape, back pack, and standard, but i took him on. I am going to convert this baby and make him the best damn primarch hes meant to be.
So this is project OOP, getting a GUO to playing standard and converting a primarch back up to shape. Im even going to make some rules for Russ (based off the rules for Angron in the horus heresy rulebook). I will do regular updates on this so stay tuned.
Until then.
But then i came across the old vintage great unclean one. Sure he was small (only slightly bigger then a plague bearer) but he was a beauty. So i decided i would fix him up (lots of gaps etc) and paint him and field him as a tribute to the old days.
Ages ago we got a job lot off ebay for space wolves. Just so odd bits here and there. Then we came across this. An old Leman Russ model. Sure he was missing his wolves, blade, cape, back pack, and standard, but i took him on. I am going to convert this baby and make him the best damn primarch hes meant to be.
So this is project OOP, getting a GUO to playing standard and converting a primarch back up to shape. Im even going to make some rules for Russ (based off the rules for Angron in the horus heresy rulebook). I will do regular updates on this so stay tuned.
Until then.
Friday, 9 November 2012
Just a quick update
This is probably the worse thing to do for my blog, but check out this other blog!!
This guy scratched built a nurgle helldrake (or Hellworm) and it is amazing.
Maybe i should get into green stuff some more...
Until then.
This guy scratched built a nurgle helldrake (or Hellworm) and it is amazing.
Maybe i should get into green stuff some more...
Until then.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
X vs Y. Blight drone VS Storm talon. UPDATED 7TH ED
Blight drone:
- Has a 5+ inun, and ignores shaken and stunned results, and a 2+ shrouded jink cover save!!
- It has 12 front armour
- 3 weapons profiles to chose from (one of which is a battle cannon!)
- Can come in squads of 3
- Only BS 2
- Back armour 10
- Can escort units
- Immune to melta
- Has strafing run (addition BS against certain targets)
- Lots of weapon choices
- BS 4
- Cheaper then the blight drone
- Can only go solo
- Only armour 11 all round
Blight drone:
- Strength 6 flamer
- Half range Battle cannon
- Twin linked reaper autocannon
- Twin linked assult cannon
- Twin linked heavy bolter (or lascannon, or typhoon launcher, or skyhammer launcher)
My verdict, the ST is for precision kills, taking out flyers and tanks, while the BD is better against infantry so it can use its flamer up close, don't even bother with flyers. One v One im not so sure who would win, as the talon could is really good at anti air, but the drone is so tough even though it has 2 HP, that 2+ cover save is really what makes it. In the end i am going to be baised and say the drone is better as it is alligned to chao-GLORY TO NURGLE!!!
Until then.
Friday, 2 November 2012
X vs Y. Bloodcrushers VS Flamers of tzeentch
- Tough (2 wounds, 5 toughness, 3+ save)
- High attacks and strength mean they hit hard
- Same price as a terminator
- Have power weapons
- Have furious charge (bringing them up to 6 strength) meaning they can pop tanks
- High weapon skill
- Slow (only infantry)
- Only 4 initiative so space marine can hit back before they die
- No shooting attack
- Awsome breath of chaos that can kill anything
- Fast (jump infantry)
- Cheap
- Tough (2 wounds, 4 toughness)
- Can have a pyrocaster to use look out sir to spread wounds out through the squad
- They need to get close to do damage, and will be useless in combat (but can hold out for a while)
- Only a 5+ invun
- Low weapon skill
One is combat alined, one is shooting. Bloodcrushers can be improved if you attatch a skulltaker on juggernaut to the squad to kill characters. But 3 squads of 3 suicide flamers can cause havoc, and make up for their points a few times over (land raiders beware!).
I think flamers are better because they are almost half the cost of bloodcrushers and can take out terminators no problem (unlike most things in the game). They are fast and can get to where they need to be and flame the opponents most precious stuff. Of course some bloodcrushers in your army wouldn't hurt to get some extra combat capability.
What do you think, which model is better and why? Tell me in the comments and they will be read and replied to.
Also, what should i X vs Y next? Choose 2 units from the Chaos daemons codex that your not sure what to take over what, then post it in the comments.
Until then.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
X vs Y. Screamers of tzeentch VS Seekers of slaanesh
- Fast
- Hit hard with rending
- High attacks and initiative
- Have assault and defensive grenades
- Cheap for what you get
- Soft, low toughness
- Low strength
- No shooting attacks
- Fast
- Good anti-tank/elite
- Tough, 2 wounds
- Lots of attacks
- Reasonable cheap
- No shooting attacks
- Low weapon skill
Seekers are good at despatching hordes, while screamers are better and tanks and things like terminators. It all comes down to what you face more often.
Seekers can be considerably improved if you give them a herald of slaanesh with soporific mask (hit and run). This means you run in, cripple them, and run away, and do it again, over and over. This quickly becomes a nuisance for you opponent, and will whittle down their forces. Doing this makes seekers better then screamers, but more expensive.
Personally i don't know which to go for, so i will go with both. And if points are tight, like i said, it depends what you play against.
What do you think, which model is better and why? Tell me in the comments and they will be read and replied to.
Also, what should i X vs Y next? Choose 2 units from the Chaos daemons codex that your not sure what to take over what, then post it in the comments.
Until then.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
X vs Y. Nurgle Soul grinder VS Plague hulk UPDATED 7TH ED
When i first started my mono-nurgle list i was immediatly drawn to the plague hulk (Imperial armour apoc). At first glance, it seems ok. But when you look into it, is it really better then a nurgle soul grinder? In this post i will weigh up the pros and cons of each model (i will not include stuff that both models have)
Plague hulk:
Soul grinder
So while the grinder is more expensive it will be killing a bigger range of things (higher initiative, more range on flamer weapons, higher strength on plhegm bombardment and can harm flyers) over the course of a game, the hulk is a more specialised against hordes and marines with its multitude of AP 3 template weapons, at a cheap price. I would say both have their merits, and i will have to test out the plague hulk (150 points is tempting) to fully see if it is superior to the grinder or not.
Until then
Plague hulk:
- Has a fancy template weapon which in some ways is better then baleful torrent for the grinder, in addition to a weaker version of plhegm bombardment - so it has more template weapons (at AP3 as well)
- Initiative 2 (worse then soul grinder)
- Balistic skill 2 (worse then soul grinder)
Soul grinder
- Can have a variety of ranged weapons
- Has a harvester cannon, which is good against flyers and light vehicles
- More expensive then plague hulk with upgrades (by about 20-30 points as you are going to want to take baleful torrent or plhegm bombardment)
So while the grinder is more expensive it will be killing a bigger range of things (higher initiative, more range on flamer weapons, higher strength on plhegm bombardment and can harm flyers) over the course of a game, the hulk is a more specialised against hordes and marines with its multitude of AP 3 template weapons, at a cheap price. I would say both have their merits, and i will have to test out the plague hulk (150 points is tempting) to fully see if it is superior to the grinder or not.
Until then
I'm back. Sorry for the huge break in posts lately, i've been busy. After 3 years of it's release, i've finally started to paint my Space hulk miniatures (2 models so far, but 2 on the way). Here they are:
I'm pretty pleased with how they came out, what do you think?
Also my daemon prince is done! After a few weeks i have managed to sit down and paint. Here he is...
I love this guy, he kills good and looks good. To do the wings i painted them elf flesh then washed them carroburg crimsom and then seraphim sepia. Check out the army so far...
My nid beating army is almost fully painted, next a converted nurgle soul grinder (maybe a plague hulk?) will be added to my army, look forward to that.
Until then.
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Model love
Just a quick update. I have had a game with my new winged daemon prince.
He destroyed everything.
In a 1000 point game the daemon prince (now named Vorax) took to the skies and murdered 30 space wolves by the end of the game, and only took 2 wounds. It may have just been luck, but i am already liking this guy. I am going to be green stuffing the wings to make them more nurgley and will take pics of it soon. I am saving up for a second nurgle prince with wings (but this time i am going to heavily green stuff the plastic daemon prince, so they look different). Look forward to that. Until then.
He destroyed everything.
In a 1000 point game the daemon prince (now named Vorax) took to the skies and murdered 30 space wolves by the end of the game, and only took 2 wounds. It may have just been luck, but i am already liking this guy. I am going to be green stuffing the wings to make them more nurgley and will take pics of it soon. I am saving up for a second nurgle prince with wings (but this time i am going to heavily green stuff the plastic daemon prince, so they look different). Look forward to that. Until then.
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Nurgle daemon prince with wings conversion
To finish off my tyranid beating list i am constructing a winged nurgle prince. In this post i will show you a step by step of how i done it.
First of the sprues, wings, and construction:
My idea was to, instead of putting the smoke stacks on the back, put wings on instead. I bought some dragon wings from the GW site. I am going to carve a small indent on either side of the model and chop the sticky out bits on the wings in two so that it can fit in the holes i am making so that the wings will be sturdier. I will then green stuff the wings to that they blend seamlessly into the model. Here here are the 'holes':

And now the finished model.
Altogether i am thourghly pleased with the result. The wings are holding like a treat and it looks fantastic.
I will be painting this up soon so i will show some pics when its done. Until then.
First of the sprues, wings, and construction:
My idea was to, instead of putting the smoke stacks on the back, put wings on instead. I bought some dragon wings from the GW site. I am going to carve a small indent on either side of the model and chop the sticky out bits on the wings in two so that it can fit in the holes i am making so that the wings will be sturdier. I will then green stuff the wings to that they blend seamlessly into the model. Here here are the 'holes':
And now the finished model.
Altogether i am thourghly pleased with the result. The wings are holding like a treat and it looks fantastic.
I will be painting this up soon so i will show some pics when its done. Until then.
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Simple nurgle daemon painting tutorial
This is a super easy, super quick, super outcome paint scheme for daemons of nurgle. Heres a list of all the paints you will need:
White primer
Arthonian camoshade
Seraphim sepia
Cassanndora yellow
Carroburg crimsom
Screaming bell
Agrax earthshade
Lead belcher (optional)
You will notice that most of these are washes (or shades). This is because shades are easier to do then highlighting (a lazy way to paint models if you will) and i don't want to have to use 30 paints on each model.
First, spray the models white. Any spray will do (to an extent) but I would recommend using Games Workshop skull white. Your going to need an even coat.
Next, wash all the cuts, guts, mouths and holes carroburg crimsom, then wash all boils, eyes, and bumps cassanndora yellow.
Paint the swords screaming bell, then wash agrax earthshade. If you feel like it, highlight/drybush lead belcher to give a rusted effect.
The remainder of the model that is still white (not bone, leave that white) is then washed arthonian camoshade.
After this wash anything that isn't the sword seraphim sepia as this will fill in a left over white spaces and blend everything together.
So there you have it. A super simple and quick way to paint your nurgle daemons with.
Look forward to space wolf, ork, and other daemon painting tutorials!
3rd times a charm...
I am going to get a winged nurgle daemon prince soon to complete my nid beating nurgle army.
Great unclean one
Aura of decay
Cloud of flies
x14 plague bearers
x13 plague bearers
nurgle prince
noxious touch
aura of decay
cloud of flies
iron hide
unholy might
I will do a post later about tactics for my list.
I am 40% done on painting the list and have 6 weeks to do so. I will be doing a painting tutorial for my plague bearers soon.
Until then, see ya!
Saturday, 15 September 2012
We have lift off...
Ork boy |
Great unclean one |
Tau fire warriors/converted human auxillaries A.K.A Master chief |
Converted rune priest |
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