Reecius posted this really good article recently:
While it is a Tyranid article I find it is still applicable to daemons. The general tactics for a trapdoor spider list is to wait and lure your opponent near to your lair, then beat the ever-living shit out of them and drag the rest of the corpse into your lair. The tyranid version consists of lots of 2+ cover, something a nurgle daemon can do easily. So this is my version of a trapdoor spider list:
daemon prince of nurgle
x2 greater rewards
mastery 3
daemon prince of nurgle
greater reward
mastery 3
daemon prince of nurgle
greater reward
mastery 3
herald of nurgle
mastery 2
x10 plague bearers
Aegis defense line
Heralds roll on Malefic daemonology and try to get cursed earth and summoning. Princes roll once on Malefic (twice if you get cursed earth) and twice on biomancy. The plan is to get summoning on everything (princes summoning is very effective due to their speed). The Aegis creates your lair, and anything behind it will have a 2+ cover straight off the bat. 17 mastery levels will let you cast what you want when you want. What you do is sit back with everything (including the princes, they are your counter sucker punch) and summon plague bearers just outside your lair (like spinning a web) to lure your opponent toward you. When they get close enough, jump out with the princes to kill the close stuff then run back into your lair. Keep doing this until near the end of the game then jump your prince(s) out to the opponents board edge to get linebreaker. I have found this list to be incredibly effective. The daemon princes give you long reach and lightning fast response. I aim to summon a unit a turn, so you should have about 60 extra plague bearers through the game, which can be used as midfield objective grabbers, meat shields, and support.
Until then,
Friday, 17 October 2014
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
Making a zombie army work in 7th edition - Chaos Space Marine tactica
Right, zombies. Hmm. Definitly looks like a fun army to play, bringing around 200+ models to the board in 1750/2000 points shambling up the board as i remove handful amounts of them a turn. The only problem is effectivness. dont get me wrong, im not a tournement player, and i dont play to win... much. I want me and my opponent to have as much fun as possible, but i still want my army to be effective and good to use. So lets have a look at making zombies effective.
With a zombie army you want to bring as many bodies as possible and drown the enemy in it. Try to outnumber even their bullets. A list bringing as many zombies as possible looks something like this:
x35 zombies
Huron blackhart
Thats 317 models. Wow. Huron is there to bring the second combined arms detachment, and to be your warlord to infiltrate d3 units up the board (you will only be able to get them 18'' away from enemy units as hiding 35 models from sight is going to be very difficult). This will help the zombies get up the board as a smart player will just sit back and shoot for the 4 turns it takes for them to shamble up there (3 turns if they infiltrated 18'' away). You could drop huron for a naked chaos lord and bring an extra 22 zombies if you wanted. The problem with a zombie list is that its slow, and if your opponent is disiplined he will keep moving backward while shooting as you will never catch up unless you succeed in a charge (he should be keeping at least 18'' away though). On the other hand, if you manage to corner him near the end of the game, you MAY have enough models left to devour their brains, or at least tarpit them for the rest of the game. Another strength of the zombie army is a huge amount of objective secured (OS) meaning if you can cross the board, you can jump on objectives and try to steal as many away as possible.
Here is another list i though of trying to help zombies get across the board and be able to deal with tanks (which they cant, other then swarming around it any trying to trap it):
x34 zombies
Chaos lord
terminator armour
chain fist
mark of nurgle (not very useful, maybe worth dropping)
blight grenades
The lords sit in front and tank as many hits as possible, and throw off S10 and AP2/1 hits with look out sir, and when they finally hit the front line they can decimate tanks and un-tarpit the unit they are in. Hmmm, what if we got huron in there to aid getting across the board with his warlord trait. A third combined arms detachment we need!:
Chaos lord
terminator armour
chain fist
x31 zombies
x33 zombies
This list allows 1-3 units to basically get a free movement with infiltrate, and 4 units to have a 2+ save in front tanking wounds. You've also got 284 models. Not bad. You can deal with tanks, and hopefully get up the board with enough models left to swamp the enemy. Definitly looks fun to use, although moving 200+ models each turn may take a while, and hurt my back. Oh well. Before i invest hundred of pounds and hours into this list though i will test it out with proxies. I won't be able to do that for about 3 weeks as soon i am preparing a 40,000 point battle with my brother and dad - more on that soon!
Until then
With a zombie army you want to bring as many bodies as possible and drown the enemy in it. Try to outnumber even their bullets. A list bringing as many zombies as possible looks something like this:
x35 zombies
Huron blackhart
Thats 317 models. Wow. Huron is there to bring the second combined arms detachment, and to be your warlord to infiltrate d3 units up the board (you will only be able to get them 18'' away from enemy units as hiding 35 models from sight is going to be very difficult). This will help the zombies get up the board as a smart player will just sit back and shoot for the 4 turns it takes for them to shamble up there (3 turns if they infiltrated 18'' away). You could drop huron for a naked chaos lord and bring an extra 22 zombies if you wanted. The problem with a zombie list is that its slow, and if your opponent is disiplined he will keep moving backward while shooting as you will never catch up unless you succeed in a charge (he should be keeping at least 18'' away though). On the other hand, if you manage to corner him near the end of the game, you MAY have enough models left to devour their brains, or at least tarpit them for the rest of the game. Another strength of the zombie army is a huge amount of objective secured (OS) meaning if you can cross the board, you can jump on objectives and try to steal as many away as possible.
Here is another list i though of trying to help zombies get across the board and be able to deal with tanks (which they cant, other then swarming around it any trying to trap it):
x34 zombies
Chaos lord
terminator armour
chain fist
mark of nurgle (not very useful, maybe worth dropping)
blight grenades
The lords sit in front and tank as many hits as possible, and throw off S10 and AP2/1 hits with look out sir, and when they finally hit the front line they can decimate tanks and un-tarpit the unit they are in. Hmmm, what if we got huron in there to aid getting across the board with his warlord trait. A third combined arms detachment we need!:
Chaos lord
terminator armour
chain fist
x31 zombies
x33 zombies
This list allows 1-3 units to basically get a free movement with infiltrate, and 4 units to have a 2+ save in front tanking wounds. You've also got 284 models. Not bad. You can deal with tanks, and hopefully get up the board with enough models left to swamp the enemy. Definitly looks fun to use, although moving 200+ models each turn may take a while, and hurt my back. Oh well. Before i invest hundred of pounds and hours into this list though i will test it out with proxies. I won't be able to do that for about 3 weeks as soon i am preparing a 40,000 point battle with my brother and dad - more on that soon!
Until then
Monday, 30 June 2014
Note 2
I have updated the X vs Y Blight drone VS Storm talon post to 7th ed now so check it out.
Until then
Until then
Sunday, 29 June 2014
I have updated my X VS Y Nurgle soul grinder VS plague hulk to 7th edition so you should check it out.
Until then
Until then
Daemons scratch built Portal Glyph
This is my portalglyph. It is made of plasticard. I made it using this template:
This is from here and you should check it out cause his one is good too.
To make it just get some plasticard, cut out the template, and start slashing to create a worn effect. The battleworn look on it is fantastic and leads to some nice shading later on during the painting process. Actually making this wasn't too hard, just be careful of your fingers. The nice thing about this portalglyph is it is undivided, meaning any daemon army alligned to any god can use it, although i sneaked in a nurgle symbol in there to show my true alliegence.
I painted it using a chaos black basecoat, followed by a mechanicus standard grey drybrush, nuln oil wash, another mechanicus standard grey drybrush (lighter then the last), then finally a light dawnstone drybrush.
In general game use as every chaos daemon player will tell you it is FANTASTIC. Get one.
Until then
This is from here and you should check it out cause his one is good too.
To make it just get some plasticard, cut out the template, and start slashing to create a worn effect. The battleworn look on it is fantastic and leads to some nice shading later on during the painting process. Actually making this wasn't too hard, just be careful of your fingers. The nice thing about this portalglyph is it is undivided, meaning any daemon army alligned to any god can use it, although i sneaked in a nurgle symbol in there to show my true alliegence.
I painted it using a chaos black basecoat, followed by a mechanicus standard grey drybrush, nuln oil wash, another mechanicus standard grey drybrush (lighter then the last), then finally a light dawnstone drybrush.
In general game use as every chaos daemon player will tell you it is FANTASTIC. Get one.
Until then
Saturday, 28 June 2014
Awesome just got one up'd
Check this out:
Wow. This is pure awesome and can't wait to play it. Also, there is this:
You've probs already seen this, but its a 40k MMO. It looks awsome, and you can now throw money at them! Will be playing this as well. Also this:
The pledge manager for this is coming up soon so you can get another chance to get the miniatures. This guy is incredibly talented and i will definitly be getting a Maggot demon to use as Scaebithrax (the Daemon lord of Nurgle).
So yup, cheers for reading. I will be posting a scrathbuild portal glyph i did soon, so stay tuned for that.
Until then.
Wow. This is pure awesome and can't wait to play it. Also, there is this:
You've probs already seen this, but its a 40k MMO. It looks awsome, and you can now throw money at them! Will be playing this as well. Also this:
The pledge manager for this is coming up soon so you can get another chance to get the miniatures. This guy is incredibly talented and i will definitly be getting a Maggot demon to use as Scaebithrax (the Daemon lord of Nurgle).
So yup, cheers for reading. I will be posting a scrathbuild portal glyph i did soon, so stay tuned for that.
Until then.
Friday, 27 June 2014
No daemon prince nurgle daemon army 1750
While daemon princes are my favourite unit in the game, it is sometimes nice to use something different, like a list with no flying things at all. This is where this super awesome list i came up with and have tested out comes in. Analysis of list after i actually show you it:
Herald of nurgle - Warlord
Locus of Fecundity
Mastery 2
Exalted reward - portal glyph
Herald of nurgle
Locus of Fecundity
Mastery 2
x10 plague bearers
icon of chaos
x20 plague bearers
plague banner
x3 plague drones
icon of chaos
plague ridden
Nurgle soul grinder
baleful torrent
Aegis defence line
comms relay
Everything rolls on Malefic daemonology, you hope to get cursed earth and try to swap some powers with summoning. Deploy the big blob of plague bearers (which man the aegis), the drones, the aegis (obviously) and one of the heralds (preferably the warlord). Everything else is in deepstrike, with one herald for each bearer squad. Your whole army will have a 2+ cover. first turn if it is behind the aegis (which it should be).
Move the drones up but keep them hidden. Throw down the portal glyph and use the herald to try and cast the summoning or something like that, you might as well. Then turn 2, you have a 8/9 chance of each unit coming from reserve due to the comms relay, and the plague bearers have instruments to further ensure the grinders come on. Deepstrike everything behind the enemy or in front (just where ever there is space, you need alot) using either the drones icon or risk a plague bearer squad and scatter. Deep stike everything close together (at least within 12'' of one or more heralds) using icons to safetly land and cast cursed earth with one of your deepstriking heralds (put alot of warp charge into this as it is important, and to minimise chance of denial from your opponent). This makes your grinders and plague bearers incredibly hard to kill (4+ invun + FNP? Yes please). You then procced to cast whatever you see fit and whatever you need. The grinders use their baleful torrent to mess with stuff.
Turn 3 you charge all the stuff you deepstrike and fuck everything (especially with the soul grinders).
From using this list i have found it works, and is incredibly fun. Your going to need a lot of plague bearers (50 starting off, then more to summon) but it is worth it.
In the game i was playing i used possesion to summon 2 great unclean ones in the course of the game (mainly because i wanted to have fun and fully test Malefic powers) which was useful if one part of the battlefield needed help. The problem with doing this though is you lose overall warp charge (herald = 2 charge, Great unclean one = 1 charge).
The fun of this list is its intial passiveness, which turns to fully blown aggression turn 2 onward, which can take your opponent of guard.
From the games i have played of 7th, i have found it to be incredibly fun. I would even dare to say it is the best edition yet.
Also thank you all!! I now have my first follower and first comment on my blog, plus almost 4000 views!! I will do my best to post every now and then and keep content on this blog good. Thank you all again.
ONE MORE THING I PROMISE! I am working on painting my soul grinders, and they look fantastic. I will finish my first one, then document the painting of the second to do a how to painting guide. I will warn you it is going to be a LONG time before i get round to this but it will come in time.
To anyone who has stuck round and read the entire post, thank you! You get 1 awesome point and this gif:
Until then
Herald of nurgle - Warlord
Locus of Fecundity
Mastery 2
Exalted reward - portal glyph
Herald of nurgle
Locus of Fecundity
Mastery 2
x10 plague bearers
icon of chaos
x20 plague bearers
plague banner
x3 plague drones
icon of chaos
plague ridden
Nurgle soul grinder
baleful torrent
Aegis defence line
comms relay
Everything rolls on Malefic daemonology, you hope to get cursed earth and try to swap some powers with summoning. Deploy the big blob of plague bearers (which man the aegis), the drones, the aegis (obviously) and one of the heralds (preferably the warlord). Everything else is in deepstrike, with one herald for each bearer squad. Your whole army will have a 2+ cover. first turn if it is behind the aegis (which it should be).
Move the drones up but keep them hidden. Throw down the portal glyph and use the herald to try and cast the summoning or something like that, you might as well. Then turn 2, you have a 8/9 chance of each unit coming from reserve due to the comms relay, and the plague bearers have instruments to further ensure the grinders come on. Deepstrike everything behind the enemy or in front (just where ever there is space, you need alot) using either the drones icon or risk a plague bearer squad and scatter. Deep stike everything close together (at least within 12'' of one or more heralds) using icons to safetly land and cast cursed earth with one of your deepstriking heralds (put alot of warp charge into this as it is important, and to minimise chance of denial from your opponent). This makes your grinders and plague bearers incredibly hard to kill (4+ invun + FNP? Yes please). You then procced to cast whatever you see fit and whatever you need. The grinders use their baleful torrent to mess with stuff.
Turn 3 you charge all the stuff you deepstrike and fuck everything (especially with the soul grinders).
From using this list i have found it works, and is incredibly fun. Your going to need a lot of plague bearers (50 starting off, then more to summon) but it is worth it.
In the game i was playing i used possesion to summon 2 great unclean ones in the course of the game (mainly because i wanted to have fun and fully test Malefic powers) which was useful if one part of the battlefield needed help. The problem with doing this though is you lose overall warp charge (herald = 2 charge, Great unclean one = 1 charge).
The fun of this list is its intial passiveness, which turns to fully blown aggression turn 2 onward, which can take your opponent of guard.
From the games i have played of 7th, i have found it to be incredibly fun. I would even dare to say it is the best edition yet.
Also thank you all!! I now have my first follower and first comment on my blog, plus almost 4000 views!! I will do my best to post every now and then and keep content on this blog good. Thank you all again.
ONE MORE THING I PROMISE! I am working on painting my soul grinders, and they look fantastic. I will finish my first one, then document the painting of the second to do a how to painting guide. I will warn you it is going to be a LONG time before i get round to this but it will come in time.
To anyone who has stuck round and read the entire post, thank you! You get 1 awesome point and this gif:
Until then
Friday, 23 May 2014
First 7th edition list nurgle flying circus 1750 points
I will first point out that i am not a tournament player, and all my lists are for fun. Any way onto the list!
Nurgle prince
Mastery 3
x2 Greater rewards
Herald of Nurgle
Mastery 2
x10 Plague bearers
(Note in the new edition you can use as many Force org charts as you want so long as you use the minimium 1HQ 2Troops for each detachment).
17 Mastery levels straight off the bat, with an average of +4 for the die roll in the psychic phase thats 21 warp charge on average i will have every turn. Wow. The princes roll all on biomancy, the heralds roll on malefic daemonology. Princes rush up the board with all their blessings and what nots and prepare to fuck shit up. Heralds join plague bearers squads and they mainly cast Summoning to summon plague bearers up the board to back up the princes and capture upfield objectives (good thing i have 60 plague bearers!, and more to come!!). Looks like it could be a fun list to play, will get back to you after i have tested it. I am going to be having a game monday against Astra Militarhoweveryouspellit. I will post my findings and thoughts of 7th edition in due course.
Nurgle prince
Mastery 3
x2 Greater rewards
Herald of Nurgle
Mastery 2
x10 Plague bearers
(Note in the new edition you can use as many Force org charts as you want so long as you use the minimium 1HQ 2Troops for each detachment).
17 Mastery levels straight off the bat, with an average of +4 for the die roll in the psychic phase thats 21 warp charge on average i will have every turn. Wow. The princes roll all on biomancy, the heralds roll on malefic daemonology. Princes rush up the board with all their blessings and what nots and prepare to fuck shit up. Heralds join plague bearers squads and they mainly cast Summoning to summon plague bearers up the board to back up the princes and capture upfield objectives (good thing i have 60 plague bearers!, and more to come!!). Looks like it could be a fun list to play, will get back to you after i have tested it. I am going to be having a game monday against Astra Militarhoweveryouspellit. I will post my findings and thoughts of 7th edition in due course.
Thursday, 22 May 2014
The flying circus is still good in the new edition
So with the new Warhammer 40000 rulebook coming out in 2 days, some people are freaking out, and some are exicited.
Apparently the Flying circus (lots of flying monstrous creatures) is dead in then new edition, due to a leaked pic (this one), and the fact smash is only 1 attack now. The pic says that you can't assault when you change flight modes. Does this hurt the flying circuses effectivness? Yes. Is taking out tanks harder now with the change to smash? Yes. OHMERGUAD ITS OVER STOP PLAYING DAEMONS RUUUNNN!!! But wait!! We also got some buffs to the flying circus!!
Buff 1)
Harder to ground (only 1 grounding check at the end of each phase if you take a wound).
Buff 2)
Better psychic powers (here). And did i say better? I meant fucking amazing, look at biomancy - T8 S9 Feel no pain (4+) prince? Fucking yes please (and you said we cant take down tanks with 6 S9 attacks on the charge). Yes it is easier for the enemy to dispel powers (such as iron arm) but if you do manage to cast them, you are basically a Harridan (a tyranid gargant) with a 5+ invun. With a 62% chance of getting iron arm with a mastery level 3 prince this makes up for having to sit like a lemon for a turn while you change flight mode, because your prince is tanking all those hits and is gearing up to charge. Also if you do activate iron arm you will be harder to ground (as you need to take a wound to take a grounding test).
Buff 3)
Better psychic defence, with 3-6 flying monsters going around with 3-4 mastery levels each your opponent is not going to be casting powers at all.
There are probably some i missed, but even if i didnt miss anything it is still looking hopeful for the circus. While it is harder to get into assault (and takes longer - your looking at a turn 3 charge) and harder to cast powers, you opponent is not going to be casting at all and your princes have a chance to become flying chuncks of adamantium refusing to die.
I will take the good with the bad, i will adjust my tactics to fit the new addition, and will keep using my favourite army in 40k (the circus).
So dont lose hope, blot out the people screaming negativity about the new addtion, prepare for war, and a hell of a lot of fun.
Until then.
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Buff 1)
Harder to ground (only 1 grounding check at the end of each phase if you take a wound).
Buff 2)
Better psychic powers (here). And did i say better? I meant fucking amazing, look at biomancy - T8 S9 Feel no pain (4+) prince? Fucking yes please (and you said we cant take down tanks with 6 S9 attacks on the charge). Yes it is easier for the enemy to dispel powers (such as iron arm) but if you do manage to cast them, you are basically a Harridan (a tyranid gargant) with a 5+ invun. With a 62% chance of getting iron arm with a mastery level 3 prince this makes up for having to sit like a lemon for a turn while you change flight mode, because your prince is tanking all those hits and is gearing up to charge. Also if you do activate iron arm you will be harder to ground (as you need to take a wound to take a grounding test).
Buff 3)
Better psychic defence, with 3-6 flying monsters going around with 3-4 mastery levels each your opponent is not going to be casting powers at all.
There are probably some i missed, but even if i didnt miss anything it is still looking hopeful for the circus. While it is harder to get into assault (and takes longer - your looking at a turn 3 charge) and harder to cast powers, you opponent is not going to be casting at all and your princes have a chance to become flying chuncks of adamantium refusing to die.
I will take the good with the bad, i will adjust my tactics to fit the new addition, and will keep using my favourite army in 40k (the circus).
So dont lose hope, blot out the people screaming negativity about the new addtion, prepare for war, and a hell of a lot of fun.
Until then.
Monday, 27 January 2014
Mono-nurgle dual Great unclean one flying circus daemon 1750 list - Phew!
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A teaser for an upcoming winged nurgle prince conversion! |
Without out further ado, the list:
Great unclean one
Greater reward (balesword)
Nurgle daemon prince
Mastery 3 (biomancy)
Greater reward (balesword)
Nurgle daemon prince
Mastery 3 (biomancy)
Greater reward (balesword)
Exalted reward (Portalglyph - another conversion/scratchbuild coming up!)
x10 plague bearers
icon of chaos
x10 plague bearers
aegis defence line
comms relay
1755 (5 points over the limit is ok right?)
The non-icon bearer squad and all 3 princes sit behind the aegis first turn to gain a 2+ cover, portalglyph is dropped (make sure to place objectives backfield). Zoom forward, hope you survive turn one, then comms relay helps bring down bearers and GUOs (using the icons to help the GUOs down) turn 2. Then smash up the enemies stuff. Baleswords to Instant death MCs (monstrous creatures). I used a list similar to this a few days ago and it was uber fun to play (far more fun then my tau - i still love my tau though!). Dropping 2 GUOs in the opponents deploments zone is MEGA LOLZ. If you are playing the relic, rush up the princes to intercept enemy troops trying to take the relic, drop the portal next to the relic to help bring it closer, and deepstrike everything in the centre, using MCs to tie everything up while sneaky plaguebearers run off with the relic.
What are your thoughts on the list? What would you change?
Until then.
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