Both the Maulerfiend and Helbrute are very similar, even though they have huge differences. In this post i will decide which is better and why. I will
either help your decision, or confuse you even more. Lets begin.
- Fast
- Can get alot of attacks (magma-cutters)
- Tough (IWND, daemon)
- Can debuff units (lasher tendrils)
- Low WS
- Low initiative
- No shooting attacks
- Competes in a force org. slot for EVERYTHING
- Competes in force org. slot for things like terminators and cult marines (even though you should have a lord to make them troops)
The Maulerfiend has loads of things going for him and for only an extra 25 point. With 4 attacks on a charge with a potential of getting up to 6 (if you are lucky with magma cutters) it destroys tanks and buildings (fortress of redemption anyone?). It is strictly tanks and buildings only since infantry will tarpit it (making lasher tendrils obsolite).
On the other hand the Helbrute can make an excelent firing platform. With a missile launcher and reaper autocannon it can shoot out lots of tank busting shots and potentially fire double in a turn (crazed).
If you take both a Maulerfiend and Helbrute, then kit the Helbrute out to shooting and keep the Maulerfiend simple. If you have to choose, then take the Maulerfiend. It is faster (potential 24'' in a turn!) and killier (but the Helbrute is still damn fun).
What do you think, which model is better and why? Tell me in the comments and they will be read and replied to.
what should i X vs Y next? Choose 2 units from the Chaos daemons/chaos space marines codex
that your not sure what to take over what, then post it in the comments.
Until then.