In my last post i showed my list that i was thinking of for Death guard. It has changed some and will change some more so i wont share the final product till i have tested it (will take a while).
Anyway, my lord loadout has changed. I dont think the MURDER sword is really that good as the chaos lord isn't that quick on foot, so it would be a waste of 35 points. I want my lord to have a scythe as it is a signiture weapon of the death guard. I am counting scythes as power axes as they are used in similar ways. Anyway this is the loadout i was thinking of:
Mark of nurgle
palaquin of nurgle
power axe
sigil of corruption
vets of the long war
gift of mutation
While the power axe may waste his high I, he does pack a punch with his axe, and with T5 and W5 he can take the hits. Gift of mutation i have never used but people say its useful (as most of the time it helps him in combat).
I was tempted by terminator armour but i worked out that a palaquin lord can take 15 armour saves before dieing on average, while the terminator lord can take 18; and the lord can take 10 invuns and the terminator can take around 5. This means that the palaquin can take more hits on average.
I think 175 points is an ok cost for a HQ, as on the charge he has 6 S5 AP2 attacks. Not bad.
I will be converting my lord soon so stay tuned.
Until then.
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Death guard force
I am not NOT going to do Dark eldar kroot. I just change my mind of what i want to do all the time. I is on my list of things i want to do. I went through a Sisters of battle stage (or Apapta Soroitas now) but i want a Death Guard force now. I need to get a real Chaos space marine force, not just an allied detachment for a Heldrake.
I want Chaos space marines to be my 'fun' army. Tau are my cheese force, sisters are my tournement army. So i need something to balence everything out, when i don't want to win all the time, and just relax. So, Death guard!
My Chaos marine force will not contain any Heldrakes. I am going to stay strictly within Death guard combat doctrine. That means no transports, bikes, jump infantry, tanks, or flyers. I am going to have lots of boots on the ground (cultists and plague marines) backed up by obilterators. This is a list i have been thinking of:
Chaos lord (The leader of my force, and the focal point)
Mark of nurgle (He's death guard...)
power axe (Bye terminators)
murder sword (FUN)
palaquin of nurgle (Will make him stand out model wise and makes him T5 W5 and with 6 attacks on the charge)
veterans of the long war (He's from the original legion, he fought on Terra!)
sigil of corruption (Whats better then T5 W5? T5 W5 with a 4++!)
x7 plague marines
x2 plasma guns
power axe
veteran of the long war
x6 plague marines <------Lord goes here (making the squad number 7)
x2 plasma guns
power axe
veterans of th... you get it
x14 cultists (bubble wrap for the marines
x2 obilterators (going to convert some centurions, i do not like finecast)
Mark of nurgle
The obilterators unleash hell on the enemy while the cultists meat shield for the plague marines and they march up the board blasting away with plasma. The lord character hunts. Pretty simple and true to the DG combat doctrine i think.
I want to use the warriors of chaos lord as my lord, but with some converting to make him nurgley. Then im going to put him on a palaquin (nurglings with a rhino door on top). This is going to make him insanely tall and make him stand out.I have to be careful actually no i dont: T5 W5 3+ 4++.
I will take me a while to get everything i need but for now i am going to get the lord and the palaquin so stay tuned for that.
Until then.
I want Chaos space marines to be my 'fun' army. Tau are my cheese force, sisters are my tournement army. So i need something to balence everything out, when i don't want to win all the time, and just relax. So, Death guard!
My Chaos marine force will not contain any Heldrakes. I am going to stay strictly within Death guard combat doctrine. That means no transports, bikes, jump infantry, tanks, or flyers. I am going to have lots of boots on the ground (cultists and plague marines) backed up by obilterators. This is a list i have been thinking of:
Chaos lord (The leader of my force, and the focal point)
Mark of nurgle (He's death guard...)
power axe (Bye terminators)
murder sword (FUN)
palaquin of nurgle (Will make him stand out model wise and makes him T5 W5 and with 6 attacks on the charge)
veterans of the long war (He's from the original legion, he fought on Terra!)
sigil of corruption (Whats better then T5 W5? T5 W5 with a 4++!)
x7 plague marines
x2 plasma guns
power axe
veteran of the long war
x6 plague marines <------Lord goes here (making the squad number 7)
x2 plasma guns
power axe
veterans of th... you get it
x14 cultists (bubble wrap for the marines
x2 obilterators (going to convert some centurions, i do not like finecast)
Mark of nurgle
The obilterators unleash hell on the enemy while the cultists meat shield for the plague marines and they march up the board blasting away with plasma. The lord character hunts. Pretty simple and true to the DG combat doctrine i think.
I want to use the warriors of chaos lord as my lord, but with some converting to make him nurgley. Then im going to put him on a palaquin (nurglings with a rhino door on top). This is going to make him insanely tall and make him stand out.
I will take me a while to get everything i need but for now i am going to get the lord and the palaquin so stay tuned for that.
Until then.
Monday, 2 September 2013
Kroot 'counts as' Dark eldar army fluff
A forest world, with heavily mossed mountains reaching to the skies. The main indiginous species there is the Kroot, who live in the trees. As the planet is incredibly rich in ore, the Tau saw it as a perfect place to expand to. But as mining operations started, the Kroot became distressted; they did not want vast swaths of forests cut down. But the mining operation required it, and it was too rich a planet to pass down. The Tau continued to mine. The Kroot refused to stand down to the Tau and let their planet die, so they lashed out against them. Hundreds of earth caste mining drones were destroyed and hung up around the forest as an act of defience, and lead Shapers declared that if the Tau continued to mine on the planet that Tau would be strung on the trees, not drones. The Tau were not about to give up on the potential 'gold mine' (figurativly speaking), and so reinforced the mining operations with elements of the Fire caste. The Kroot, enraged at the stubborness of the Tau, led a huge strike against the mining bases. The battle was fierce, but in the end the Tau blugend the Kroot attack and crushed the resistance. The Kroot retreated, and left the Tau to their work and preparing to leave the planet to find a new one.
But, after all the Kroot had withdrawn and the Tau had rebegun mining, a portal in the webway opened. Dozens of raiders and venoms poured out of it, and attacked the mining bases, killing some and capturing the rest. Hundreds of Tau were lost that day. By the time the Tau had worked out what happened, they were in-shock. The Dark Eldar disapeared and left a suprise for the Tau in the mining installations. When the Earth and Fire caste went down to the planets surface and started to begin the operation again, something terrible happend. Hidden bombs left in the mines activated even more portals, and more Dark eldar poured into the planet. Desperate and out of options, the Tau begged for the help of the Kroot. Begrudgingly, the Kroot aided the Tau and helped them fight off the Dark Eldar. After a quick and fierce battle, the Dark eldar left, but had brought their fair share of Tau are Kroot with them. The Tau, deeming the planet too risky for further mining, left. The Kroot ate the remaining Dark eldar bodies, so that the next generation could benefit and evolve. Also, to prepare for possible other attacks, the Kroot repaired Dark eldar transports and weapons so that they could use them for themselves.
When the next generation came around, they were quick and agile like the Dark eldar; manned in Dark eldar tanks and armed with some of their weaponry. So far, there hasn't been another raid, but if their was, the Kroot could fight them off with the same lightning fast vehicles the Dark eldar used against them.
So there you have it. I apoligise for any spelling mistakes. I am going to try my hand at converting my first Master shaper (archon) soon so stay tuned for that.
Until then.
A forest world, with heavily mossed mountains reaching to the skies. The main indiginous species there is the Kroot, who live in the trees. As the planet is incredibly rich in ore, the Tau saw it as a perfect place to expand to. But as mining operations started, the Kroot became distressted; they did not want vast swaths of forests cut down. But the mining operation required it, and it was too rich a planet to pass down. The Tau continued to mine. The Kroot refused to stand down to the Tau and let their planet die, so they lashed out against them. Hundreds of earth caste mining drones were destroyed and hung up around the forest as an act of defience, and lead Shapers declared that if the Tau continued to mine on the planet that Tau would be strung on the trees, not drones. The Tau were not about to give up on the potential 'gold mine' (figurativly speaking), and so reinforced the mining operations with elements of the Fire caste. The Kroot, enraged at the stubborness of the Tau, led a huge strike against the mining bases. The battle was fierce, but in the end the Tau blugend the Kroot attack and crushed the resistance. The Kroot retreated, and left the Tau to their work and preparing to leave the planet to find a new one.
But, after all the Kroot had withdrawn and the Tau had rebegun mining, a portal in the webway opened. Dozens of raiders and venoms poured out of it, and attacked the mining bases, killing some and capturing the rest. Hundreds of Tau were lost that day. By the time the Tau had worked out what happened, they were in-shock. The Dark Eldar disapeared and left a suprise for the Tau in the mining installations. When the Earth and Fire caste went down to the planets surface and started to begin the operation again, something terrible happend. Hidden bombs left in the mines activated even more portals, and more Dark eldar poured into the planet. Desperate and out of options, the Tau begged for the help of the Kroot. Begrudgingly, the Kroot aided the Tau and helped them fight off the Dark Eldar. After a quick and fierce battle, the Dark eldar left, but had brought their fair share of Tau are Kroot with them. The Tau, deeming the planet too risky for further mining, left. The Kroot ate the remaining Dark eldar bodies, so that the next generation could benefit and evolve. Also, to prepare for possible other attacks, the Kroot repaired Dark eldar transports and weapons so that they could use them for themselves.
When the next generation came around, they were quick and agile like the Dark eldar; manned in Dark eldar tanks and armed with some of their weaponry. So far, there hasn't been another raid, but if their was, the Kroot could fight them off with the same lightning fast vehicles the Dark eldar used against them.
So there you have it. I apoligise for any spelling mistakes. I am going to try my hand at converting my first Master shaper (archon) soon so stay tuned for that.
Until then.
Sunday, 1 September 2013
Revised Kroot 'counts as' Dark Eldar list
Having a look around the web and looking more at the DE codex, i have come to change some bits in my list. I realise that pulling of an assualt army (especially a DE one) will be difficult. I need to be smart and lucky to make it work. So this is the revised list:
Archon - Master shaper
Djiin blade - Ancestral blade
Shadow field - Blessing of some sort?
Combat drugs - Evolutionary traits
Soul trap - ?
x9 wyches - Carnivores
haywire grenades
hekatrix - shaper
venom blade
phantasm grenade launcher
raider - Hunter-skiff
dark lance
night shields - Camo?
x5 wyches
venom blade
venom - Scout-skiff
splinter cannon
night shields
ravager - War-skiff
dark lances
night shields
The Archons jump in with the wychs are zoom forward, get out, blast and tank or try to precision shot a character (not an independant one!) so that in combat when he issues a challenge he doesn't have to waste himself on a crappy sergeant. He will also rarely miss with his blaster. On a charge the archons pump out 8 ap3 hits, on average dealing 2 wounds to power armour or less. Against IC such as Rune priests he should be able to cut him in 2, gain double strength, then help the wyches out of combat and rip everything apart. Also, it gives the squad a pain token so after killing the IC and the squad, the archon and wyches have feel no pain and furious charge giving the archon S7 on the charge (on average killing 5 marines on the charge!)!!!
The venoms zoom forward aswell and pepper stuff the archons units are going to charge while the wychs bust tanks they dont like. The ravagers take out heavy fire power or transports for archons/wychs to charge.
Yes, the archons are the core of the army. Yes, they need to be lucky to kill the IC to become awsome. Yes he is soft (other then his shadow field). But when i do pull it off he becomes a killing machine and i can see it being very fun to use!
The night shields are an interesting one. If i go second my opponent will want to move forward to hurt them with bolters and what not. He needs to move the extra 6'' toward me. Hoping they survive, the transports then rush forward and are almost certaintly going to be able to charge them first turn! And if he doesn't move them forward he has less chance of killing the transports as they are definitely going to be hiding from big guns!
I can see this army being hopefully effective and fun to use, just need to get the 8 tanks and 2 master shapers now!
Archon - Master shaper
Djiin blade - Ancestral blade
Shadow field - Blessing of some sort?
Combat drugs - Evolutionary traits
Soul trap - ?
x9 wyches - Carnivores
haywire grenades
hekatrix - shaper
venom blade
phantasm grenade launcher
raider - Hunter-skiff
dark lance
night shields - Camo?
x5 wyches
venom blade
venom - Scout-skiff
splinter cannon
night shields
ravager - War-skiff
dark lances
night shields
The Archons jump in with the wychs are zoom forward, get out, blast and tank or try to precision shot a character (not an independant one!) so that in combat when he issues a challenge he doesn't have to waste himself on a crappy sergeant. He will also rarely miss with his blaster. On a charge the archons pump out 8 ap3 hits, on average dealing 2 wounds to power armour or less. Against IC such as Rune priests he should be able to cut him in 2, gain double strength, then help the wyches out of combat and rip everything apart. Also, it gives the squad a pain token so after killing the IC and the squad, the archon and wyches have feel no pain and furious charge giving the archon S7 on the charge (on average killing 5 marines on the charge!)!!!
The venoms zoom forward aswell and pepper stuff the archons units are going to charge while the wychs bust tanks they dont like. The ravagers take out heavy fire power or transports for archons/wychs to charge.
Yes, the archons are the core of the army. Yes, they need to be lucky to kill the IC to become awsome. Yes he is soft (other then his shadow field). But when i do pull it off he becomes a killing machine and i can see it being very fun to use!
The night shields are an interesting one. If i go second my opponent will want to move forward to hurt them with bolters and what not. He needs to move the extra 6'' toward me. Hoping they survive, the transports then rush forward and are almost certaintly going to be able to charge them first turn! And if he doesn't move them forward he has less chance of killing the transports as they are definitely going to be hiding from big guns!
I can see this army being hopefully effective and fun to use, just need to get the 8 tanks and 2 master shapers now!
Friday, 30 August 2013
Kroot 'counts as' Dark Eldar army
I have always wanted to start a dark eldar army. But, while the models are nice, they are all too fragile and spiky for my taste. Eventually i came up with the idea of using kroot as DE. Look at this:
How Dark Eldar match to Kroot:
Duke Sliscus (His 2 rolls represent him better guiding kroot to eat better things to evolve better) - Master shaper OR Angh'hor Prok
x10 wyches (kroot carnivores)
haywire grenades - Technology they've stolen (hey, i need some good stuff)
Hekatrix (shaper)
venom blade
phantasm grenade launcher - Technology they've stolen (hey, i need some good stuff)
x9 wyches
haywire grenades - Technology they've stolen (hey, i need some good stuff)
Hekatrix (shaper)
venom blade
phantasm grenade launcher - Technology they've stolen (hey, i need some good stuff)
raiders (jabba da hutt style skiff, so raider model but with no spikes or nasty things)
night shield - Technology they've stolen (hey, i need some good stuff)
x5 wyches
haywire grenades - Technology they've stolen (hey, i need some good stuff)
venom (krootify them)
night shields - Technology they've stolen (hey, i need some good stuff)
splinter cannon
one has dark lances, 2 have disintergrator cannons
Almost everything charges forward first turn in hope of overwhelming the enemy.
I can deal with tanks
I can deal with terminators
I can deal with MC's
And its bloody good in combat
I think its fluffy, do you?
Until then.
How Dark Eldar match to Kroot:
- Combat drugs - Evalutionary adaptations
- Power from pain - Eating their foes when they kill them
- Low armour value - Low armour value
- Poisoned weapons - They live in forests full of poisonous things
Duke Sliscus (His 2 rolls represent him better guiding kroot to eat better things to evolve better) - Master shaper OR Angh'hor Prok
x10 wyches (kroot carnivores)
haywire grenades - Technology they've stolen (hey, i need some good stuff)
Hekatrix (shaper)
venom blade
phantasm grenade launcher - Technology they've stolen (hey, i need some good stuff)
x9 wyches
haywire grenades - Technology they've stolen (hey, i need some good stuff)
Hekatrix (shaper)
venom blade
phantasm grenade launcher - Technology they've stolen (hey, i need some good stuff)
raiders (jabba da hutt style skiff, so raider model but with no spikes or nasty things)
night shield - Technology they've stolen (hey, i need some good stuff)
x5 wyches
haywire grenades - Technology they've stolen (hey, i need some good stuff)
venom (krootify them)
night shields - Technology they've stolen (hey, i need some good stuff)
splinter cannon
one has dark lances, 2 have disintergrator cannons
Almost everything charges forward first turn in hope of overwhelming the enemy.
I can deal with tanks
I can deal with terminators
I can deal with MC's
And its bloody good in combat
I think its fluffy, do you?
Until then.
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Lets enjoy the game
Recently, i have been trying to optimise lists to crush certain armies that i face, or to get the most powerful combos. Unfluffy units such as a commander with command node and multi spectrum suite AND puretide chip with some dark reapers. Why would the commander be with the dark reapers, and why would they benefit from his wargear? So, as of now, i am going back to playing warhammer like when i started. Saying, oh thats cool lets get that, and adding it to my list. I still want my lists to be good, but realistic, and fun. I will use powerful units such as the Riptide, but not spam it. I want to enjoy the game more, lose more, so when i win, it is far more rewarding. I want my lists to have more flavour. So, to meet all the requirements above, this is the list i am building at the moment:
x11 fire warriors
x12 firewarriors
x2 devilfishes
distruption pods
x18 kroot
sniper rounds
x5 pathfinders
ion accel.
early warning overide
d. pod
black sun filter
smart missile system
one has long strike
farseer (kroot shaman)
jet bike (terradon)
mantle of the laughing god
x3 jetbikes (terradons)
shuriken cannon
I believe this is fluffy yet effective. Its mobile, doesn't spam, and use auxillaries (some of the pathfinders are also modeled to be kroot). The story is on the particular world my Tau force is fighting on, Terradon, there are alot of kroot. Many have evolved to become slightly smaller then the norm, with the benefit of being able to ride Terradons, of which there are thousands of and which the planet is named after. A small tribe of kroot under the command of a powerful kroot shaman has joined with the Tau forces in the jungles of Terradon to fight of the Imperial menace. The shaman rides alone, on a powerful steed, watching over his allies and protecting them with his psychic ability. So basically the farseer will follow the dfishes and guide and prescience the firewarriors, who will ALSO be buffed by the ethereal. The kroot will infiltrate, and draw the enemy in while sniping stuff.
Until then.
x11 fire warriors
x12 firewarriors
x2 devilfishes
distruption pods
x18 kroot
sniper rounds
x5 pathfinders
ion accel.
early warning overide
d. pod
black sun filter
smart missile system
one has long strike
farseer (kroot shaman)
jet bike (terradon)
mantle of the laughing god
x3 jetbikes (terradons)
shuriken cannon
I believe this is fluffy yet effective. Its mobile, doesn't spam, and use auxillaries (some of the pathfinders are also modeled to be kroot). The story is on the particular world my Tau force is fighting on, Terradon, there are alot of kroot. Many have evolved to become slightly smaller then the norm, with the benefit of being able to ride Terradons, of which there are thousands of and which the planet is named after. A small tribe of kroot under the command of a powerful kroot shaman has joined with the Tau forces in the jungles of Terradon to fight of the Imperial menace. The shaman rides alone, on a powerful steed, watching over his allies and protecting them with his psychic ability. So basically the farseer will follow the dfishes and guide and prescience the firewarriors, who will ALSO be buffed by the ethereal. The kroot will infiltrate, and draw the enemy in while sniping stuff.
Until then.
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Taudar 1500 point list
UPDATE: I realise now that the farseer can't go in the devilfish with the firewarriors. No matter, i will be making a new list soon so sit tight.
As making a Farsight army will cost a considerable amount, for now i am going to go for a Taudar list until i can get the money. Here it is:
Commander joins reapers and sits in front to tank hits. Mobile ignores cover twin linked super unit. Farseer joins one firewarrior squad, ethereal on the other. Farseer defaults to guide and prescience. 2 twin linked squads pumping out 3 shots each.
I want to use kroot stuff for the eldar, so i am going to use a Skink Priest for my farseer, Terradons for the jet bikes (giving them guns of course), still not sure for the dark reapers. I will convert the priest and terradons to look like kroot stuff. Whats good is i can always use this stuff as dark eldar as well, giving me flexability.
Until then.
As making a Farsight army will cost a considerable amount, for now i am going to go for a Taudar list until i can get the money. Here it is:
commander |
PEN chip |
CnC node |
Multi-spectrum suite |
iridium armour |
ethereal |
x2: |
x11 firewarriors |
x2: |
fishes |
distruption pod |
riptide |
ion accelarator |
early warning overide |
hammerhead |
long strike |
submunition |
distruption pod |
smart missile system |
blacksun filter |
farseer |
x3 jetbikes |
shuriken cannon |
x9 darkreapers |
sharshot missiles |
Commander joins reapers and sits in front to tank hits. Mobile ignores cover twin linked super unit. Farseer joins one firewarrior squad, ethereal on the other. Farseer defaults to guide and prescience. 2 twin linked squads pumping out 3 shots each.
I want to use kroot stuff for the eldar, so i am going to use a Skink Priest for my farseer, Terradons for the jet bikes (giving them guns of course), still not sure for the dark reapers. I will convert the priest and terradons to look like kroot stuff. Whats good is i can always use this stuff as dark eldar as well, giving me flexability.
Until then.
Monday, 26 August 2013
Farsight 1500 point army list
As you probably wont know collect tau. I have around 3500 points of them, and have a dream of one day reaching 10000 points like my (younger!) brother has 10000 points of space wolves and orks! The reason i dont have a huge army is i like to constantly change my armies. I played blood angels twice and sold them both times (just didnt like them) and tau in between those 2 times. Thankfully i didn't sell my tau, and it has grown into a nice collection. As always i wanted to get a new army, so i thought, how about a Farsight enclaves army? It would play different, but link onto my tau army and allow my collection to grow. So thats what im going to do. Heres a list i came up with:
x3 battlesuits
2 have x2 burst cannons
one of the 2 has drone controller
one has vectored retro thrusters (a 5 point upgrade to give the unit hit and run?, why not!)
x2 plasma rifles
advanced targeting systems (5+ precision shots to snipe special weapons and squad leaders)
x6 gun drones
bonding knifes
x3 battlesuits
x2 fusion blasters
x2 target locks
x3 shield drones
early waring overide
earth caste piloting array
x3 broadsides
high yield missile pods
bonding knifes
Farsight goes with the sunburst suits, deep strikes them safely, kills tanks, runs away. Land raiders sorted.
I am pretty pleased with my basic suit configuration (an adaptation of the blinding spear, usually TL burst cannon and plasma rifle) as it has low AP and lots of high strength shots to wipe out hordes or overwhelm terminators.
Thoughts on the list?
Until then.
x3 battlesuits
2 have x2 burst cannons
one of the 2 has drone controller
one has vectored retro thrusters (a 5 point upgrade to give the unit hit and run?, why not!)
x2 plasma rifles
advanced targeting systems (5+ precision shots to snipe special weapons and squad leaders)
x6 gun drones
bonding knifes
x3 battlesuits
x2 fusion blasters
x2 target locks
x3 shield drones
early waring overide
earth caste piloting array
x3 broadsides
high yield missile pods
bonding knifes
Farsight goes with the sunburst suits, deep strikes them safely, kills tanks, runs away. Land raiders sorted.
I am pretty pleased with my basic suit configuration (an adaptation of the blinding spear, usually TL burst cannon and plasma rifle) as it has low AP and lots of high strength shots to wipe out hordes or overwhelm terminators.
Thoughts on the list?
Until then.
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Rise of the heavy burst cannon?
Everyone knows that the ion accelarator (IA) is superior to the heavy burst cannon (HBC). To make the HBC work, you need to novacharge it every turn, risking wounds. On average, on a 6 turn game, a riptide nova charging every turn with a HBC will take about 3 wounds (gets hot, etc). This will leave it for easy picking for your opponent.
But, with the new farsight supplement there is a piece of wargear that will revolutionise the HBC:
earth caste pilot array – 30pts
- models with battlesuits only. The model re-rolls all rolls of 1 to hit in the shooting phase. May also re-roll the dice when using a nova reactor. Weapon skill is also reduced to 1
I will definitely be picking up a riptide for my farsight enclave army and trying out a HBC with ECPA. Maybe even give it a veloctiy tracker and see how it does.
Until then.
But, with the new farsight supplement there is a piece of wargear that will revolutionise the HBC:
earth caste pilot array – 30pts
- models with battlesuits only. The model re-rolls all rolls of 1 to hit in the shooting phase. May also re-roll the dice when using a nova reactor. Weapon skill is also reduced to 1
- Rerolling 1's: This means less gets hotting, and more hits
- Reroll failed reactor rolls: More shots and less wounds taken
- WS 1: You shouldn't be in assualt anyway
I will definitely be picking up a riptide for my farsight enclave army and trying out a HBC with ECPA. Maybe even give it a veloctiy tracker and see how it does.
Until then.
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Followed by crushing defeat!
Just battled a friend on his board. 1500. He had Tau. He wiped me out. I killed 82 points. Not a good day for daemons.
What i am bringing back from the battle is that the princes should drop some upgrades and more stuff should be in deep strike.
New list!:
I may change it, what do you think?
Until then.
What i am bringing back from the battle is that the princes should drop some upgrades and more stuff should be in deep strike.
New list!:
great unclean one |
x2 greater reward |
x2: |
herald of nurgle |
locus of fencusity |
x2: |
x14 plague bearers |
x2: |
daemon prince |
nurgle |
wings |
x2 exalted reward |
sorcerer |
x10 cultists |
heldrake |
baleflamer |
aegis |
quad gun |
I may change it, what do you think?
Until then.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Using the list i posted about last, i won 2 times in a row (white scars, then eldar).
The list is incredibly solid, and i would say it is an all comers.
Next up, grey knights (not looking forward to that) then a 1000 point battle against ravenwing (a thinned down version of the list) and then space wolves (grey hunter spam).
Will update you on painting soon.
Until then.
The list is incredibly solid, and i would say it is an all comers.
Next up, grey knights (not looking forward to that) then a 1000 point battle against ravenwing (a thinned down version of the list) and then space wolves (grey hunter spam).
Will update you on painting soon.
Until then.
Painting challenge!
All my exams are done! WOOOOOOOOO! No more school for 3 months! WOOOOOOOOO!
This is my 1500 point chaos list as it stands:
great unclean one
x2 exalted rewards
mastery level 2
14 plague bearers
daemon prince
x2 exalted rewards
mastery 2
mastery 3
sigil of corruption
spell familiar
x20 cultists
I intend to get all of this painted for the summer holidays. So thats 5 weeks odd to paint 21 models! I will put a counter on the side saying how much is painted and the pencentage painted.
I also want to convert the second nurgle prince from the plastic kit, stay tuned for that.
Until then.
This is my 1500 point chaos list as it stands:
great unclean one
x2 exalted rewards
mastery level 2
14 plague bearers
daemon prince
x2 exalted rewards
mastery 2
mastery 3
sigil of corruption
spell familiar
x20 cultists
I intend to get all of this painted for the summer holidays. So thats 5 weeks odd to paint 21 models! I will put a counter on the side saying how much is painted and the pencentage painted.
I also want to convert the second nurgle prince from the plastic kit, stay tuned for that.
Until then.
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
How to beat the wraithknight with daemons
The Wraithknight (WK) is a tough nut to crack. 8T 6W and a 2+ armour (and can get a 5+ invun).
In this post i will say how you can beat it.
First and foremost, daemon princes are your best bet.
Yes, they can be instant deathed by the WK, but the DP are 8I, faster then the WK. Use a nurgle prince and get a bale sword, instant death that mother! With 4+ poisoned and no need to smash, and ignoring the WKs armour, you can kill it in one fell swoop!
Next, psykers!
Roll on the telepathy table and try to get puppet master, and make the WK shoot at his friends! That suncannon giving you trouble? Make the enemy feel the burn!
Other then the two above, greater daemons could do the job, but aren't as efficient as the top 2.
Thats all for now.
Until then.
In this post i will say how you can beat it.
First and foremost, daemon princes are your best bet.
Yes, they can be instant deathed by the WK, but the DP are 8I, faster then the WK. Use a nurgle prince and get a bale sword, instant death that mother! With 4+ poisoned and no need to smash, and ignoring the WKs armour, you can kill it in one fell swoop!
Next, psykers!
Roll on the telepathy table and try to get puppet master, and make the WK shoot at his friends! That suncannon giving you trouble? Make the enemy feel the burn!
Other then the two above, greater daemons could do the job, but aren't as efficient as the top 2.
Thats all for now.
Until then.
Friday, 14 June 2013
Yesterday my small blog hit 1000 page views. I just wanted to thank everyone for taking there time to look at my stuff. I know i dont post often, but i am almost done with my exams so posting might go up a bit.
I am now playing Tau again (almost 3000 points) and have a 3000 point chaos army. In summer me and my dad and brother are having a 70,000 point apocalypse battle, and i will be posting up a batrep and pics for that when we do that. I will be taking pics of my tau soon and uploading them, along with list ideas etc. I might do some XvsY's soon aswell.
Thank you again.
Until then.
I am now playing Tau again (almost 3000 points) and have a 3000 point chaos army. In summer me and my dad and brother are having a 70,000 point apocalypse battle, and i will be posting up a batrep and pics for that when we do that. I will be taking pics of my tau soon and uploading them, along with list ideas etc. I might do some XvsY's soon aswell.
Thank you again.
Until then.
Saturday, 2 March 2013
New chaos daemons dex first impressions
I got the new dex today.
I played with the new dex today.
It. Is. Very. Good.
Not as in grey knights cheese good, but super fluffy random awsomeness good. From what i can see, this is going to be an incredibly fun army to play.
WARNING! This dex is NOT for tournement play, at any moment you can wipe out your own army, but that is what makes it fun!
Look forward to tictacs.
Until then.
I played with the new dex today.
It. Is. Very. Good.
Not as in grey knights cheese good, but super fluffy random awsomeness good. From what i can see, this is going to be an incredibly fun army to play.
WARNING! This dex is NOT for tournement play, at any moment you can wipe out your own army, but that is what makes it fun!
Look forward to tictacs.
Until then.
Friday, 1 March 2013
Fully done nurgle daemons
I have JUST finished painting my nurgle daemons for the new update.
Here they are...:
I am working on some slaanesh daemons (converted slaanesh prince anyone?) so expect pics.
I will have the new dex in my mortal hands today so look forward to some tictacs.
Until then.
Here they are...:
I will have the new dex in my mortal hands today so look forward to some tictacs.
Until then.
Ready for drop
I have just finished (FINALLY) my plague bearers so all my nurgle stuff so far is painted, i have also built my converted Slaanesh daemon prince (hive tyrant tail with daemon prince body) AND built my fiends (seekers with fiends at the lead to save money.
I will be doing tictacts (misspell intended) for the new codex when it comes out, so stay tuned for a seven part tictac guide to daemons.
When the new army comes i intend to read through the codex first so i can make an informed decision on what to get, but so far i want some plague drones, daemonettes, herald of nurgle, and the brass cannon thing.
Until then.
I will be doing tictacts (misspell intended) for the new codex when it comes out, so stay tuned for a seven part tictac guide to daemons.
When the new army comes i intend to read through the codex first so i can make an informed decision on what to get, but so far i want some plague drones, daemonettes, herald of nurgle, and the brass cannon thing.
Until then.
Thursday, 21 February 2013
Phil Kelly FTW!
Thank god we didn't get Matt Ward (unlike daemons of chaos).
Look forward to a balenced, fun, fluffy codex.
Until then.
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
X vs Y. Maulerfiend VS Helbrute
Both the Maulerfiend and Helbrute are very similar, even though they have huge differences. In this post i will decide which is better and why. I will either help your decision, or confuse you even more. Lets begin.
- Fast
- Can get alot of attacks (magma-cutters)
- Tough (IWND, daemon)
- Can debuff units (lasher tendrils)
- Low WS
- Low initiative
- No shooting attacks
- Competes in a force org. slot for EVERYTHING
- Versitile
- Crazed
- Cheap
- Competes in force org. slot for things like terminators and cult marines (even though you should have a lord to make them troops)
On the other hand the Helbrute can make an excelent firing platform. With a missile launcher and reaper autocannon it can shoot out lots of tank busting shots and potentially fire double in a turn (crazed).
If you take both a Maulerfiend and Helbrute, then kit the Helbrute out to shooting and keep the Maulerfiend simple. If you have to choose, then take the Maulerfiend. It is faster (potential 24'' in a turn!) and killier (but the Helbrute is still damn fun).
What do you think, which model is better and why? Tell me in the comments and they will be read and replied to.
Also, what should i X vs Y next? Choose 2 units from the Chaos daemons/chaos space marines codex that your not sure what to take over what, then post it in the comments.
Until then.
New daemon pics
Look at these:
Well, there goes my money.
Check out the rest of the pics here.
No codex pic though. Interesting...
I reckon i will get 7 of the plague fly things lead by a herald of nurgle (i expect they will be able to get one for an upgrade).
Until then.
Well, there goes my money.
Check out the rest of the pics here.
No codex pic though. Interesting...
I reckon i will get 7 of the plague fly things lead by a herald of nurgle (i expect they will be able to get one for an upgrade).
Until then.
Monday, 18 February 2013
Herald of nurgle mini-conversion
I was flicking through the latest white dwarf and came across a really cool conversion for it (kit-bash section):
I already adored the fantasy Nurgle chaos lord and above was a way to add him to my daemon army. A simple head swap brought this into existance (thank you Adam Troke for this idea):

This is the army i was thinking of using him in:
Herald of nurgle
cloud of flies
Great unclean one
cloud of flies
breath of chaos
x13 plague bearers
daemon prince
iron hide
cloud of flies
unholy might
breath of chaos
The herald will give the other plague bearer squad support in the form of cloud of flies, meaning they can hold objectives better. Taking away aura is probably the best choice because it didn't make up for its kills very well, and wasn't worth the points. Breath on the other hand is worth every point, but only on the big guys.
Remember this is a fun army not a tournement one.
Until then.
I already adored the fantasy Nurgle chaos lord and above was a way to add him to my daemon army. A simple head swap brought this into existance (thank you Adam Troke for this idea):

This is the army i was thinking of using him in:
Herald of nurgle
cloud of flies
Great unclean one
cloud of flies
breath of chaos
x13 plague bearers
daemon prince
iron hide
cloud of flies
unholy might
breath of chaos
The herald will give the other plague bearer squad support in the form of cloud of flies, meaning they can hold objectives better. Taking away aura is probably the best choice because it didn't make up for its kills very well, and wasn't worth the points. Breath on the other hand is worth every point, but only on the big guys.
Remember this is a fun army not a tournement one.
Until then.
The return...
Im back bitches.
With daemons over the horizon and a rules leak for them, things are looking good.
Sorry i haven't been posting alot for the last couple of months, i just lost the buzz. But im back.
Expect lots of posts soon since i had loads of nearly finished ones piled up. First up, herald of nurgle conversion!
When the (hopefully) new codex comes out i will do tacticas on it, with army lists and all sorts of stuff.
I will see you later.
Until next time.
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